Love Me Home Care Agency Mission
We are committed, to bringing exceptional home care, that's easily accessible, convenient and cost effective to our consumers home! We are committed, to listening, to the input from our consumers, for the best quality of life, they wish to have! We are further committed, to exceeding our consumers expectations and that's official " like a referee with a whistle!"
Home Care Services that are unique that fall within the licensure exemption
Unlicensed persons under the Professional Nursing Law and Practical Nursing Law. DCWs may perform these non–skilled services/activities, providing they do not represent or hold themselves out as being licensed nurses, licensed registered nurses, registered nurses, or practical nurses; or use in connection with their names, any designation tending to imply they are licensed to practice nursing.
Get in Touch
Find us at the office
1303 71st ave
Philadelphia, PA 19126
Give us a ring
(267) 296-9976
Mon - Fri 10 :00-4:00